We Are Ready for You in Our Offices

Cardiac Care during COVID-19

We are extremely grateful for our patients who have worked with us throughout this pandemic. Many of you took advantage of our Telemedicine visits which were an excellent way for us to evaluate your overall health, adjust medications, answer your questions, and determine if you needed to be seen. While we did continue to see urgent issues in the offices, the majority of our visits were done by Telemedicine or rescheduled.

Encouraging Face to Face Office Visits

As of June 1st, we believe it is now safe for our patients to resume office visits. Over the last several weeks, many patients put their heart issues on hold, which was understandable during a time of crisis. However, stalling your cardiac care can have serious repercussions and it is important to resume standard care.

Now is the time to be seen to:

  • Manage your blood pressure
  • Control your cholesterol
  • Conduct EKGs
  • Run additional tests if needed, including stress tests, echocardiograms, and vascular studies
  • Ensure you are properly managing conditions such as congestive heart failure

Creating a COVID-Safe Environment

We are committed to doing everything possible to make this a COVID-safe environment. This includes:

  • Pre-screenings before visits
  • Temperature taking upon arrival
  • Reconfigured waiting rooms to maximize social distancing
  • Masks required by all patients, staff, and physicians
  • Enhanced cleaning of all areas in between patients
  • Rapid entry into the office with minimal to no time in waiting room, direct entry from car, or separate entrances for testing

We Continue to Offer Telemedicine  

For those patients who are high-risk or unwilling to come into the office just yet, we continue to offer Telemedicine visits. While these visits do not replace the value of a face to face encounter, patients have found these visits to be very beneficial. Talk to our staff who can assist you in setting this up.

Don’t Neglect Heart Issues!

We continue to reinforce that if you are experiencing cardiac issues, it is essential that you be seen. Research has shown that throughout the world, there has been a decline in people seeking treatment for acute cardiovascular emergencies. Researchers believe this may be due to peoples’ fear of the hospital, not wanting to overburden the healthcare system, financial concerns, or underestimating the severity of symptoms.

  • Don’t delay needed treatment. If this pandemic leads people to delay or avoid care for heart-related issues, the death rate will extend far beyond those directly impacted by the virus.
  • Time to treatment dictates the outcomes for people with heart attacks and strokes.
  • Hospitals are equipped not only to care for people with COVID-19, but also those who have other life threatening problems.
  • Avoidance of care for people with chronic conditions can ultimately be as big a threat as the virus itself.
  • The pandemic toll will be much worse if it leads people to avoid care for life threatening, yet treatable, conditions like heart attacks and strokes.

Common Heart Attack Signs and Symptoms Include:

  • Pressure, tightness, pain, or a squeezing or aching sensation in your chest or arms that may spread to your neck, jaw, or back
  • Nausea, indigestion, heartburn, or abdominal pain
  • Shortness of breath
  • Cold sweat
  • Fatigue
  • Lightheadedness or sudden dizziness

We are available 24/7 to guide you. Contact our offices if you experience heart attack symptoms and we can advise  you on next steps.

Schedule Your Visit Today

Our team is here to help you with scheduling your next visit. 

All Offices: (860) 522-0604 |  Wallingford: (203) 265-9831